Here's an opportunity worth some thought. Some people absolutely love plants, but never think of converting that love into some profit by sharing their efforts. Learn how to run a nursery business from home, and grow that hobby into some extra income.
Opening a backyard nursery on a low budget, to maximize your profits, will take some careful business planning. It's at the beginning of the planning where many people simply give up. They give up because they hit a road block. Not having any land available, is an example. Solution; find some available land. Family and friends may have some land available for free or a small percentage. This may open a possibility of a future partnership.
Assuming there is a backyard available; the next step is to acquire a business license and research whether or not it is permitted to sell from a backyard in the neighborhood that will be used. If you can't sell from there, certainly it should be allowed to grow there. Find a different place to sell the product.
Selecting the product needs some research to maximize profits. Shop the local nurseries and major chain garden sections and see what's selling hot and grow that. Keep it small at first, like all new businesses, it's a growing process. Do some math and calculate how many planting pots of a certain size will fit in a certain area. Map it out, see what it looks like on paper; maximize every inch available.
Visualize selling; wholesale, retail or both. This is reportedly the most challenging part of starting a plant nursery for profit and that is developing a customer base. Get creative again. Make a list of friends, relatives, businesses, and neighbors. Brainstorm for other personal relationship categories and start marketing the product to them. Maybe there is a landscaper on that list or a yard maintenance professional that can provide some wholesale leads. None of what was just mentioned incurs any cost but the owner's time and some phone work.
It's hard to compete against the major chain lawn and garden retailers, however it's common knowledge that a unique item can compete. Retail selling requires some creative thought. Here is an example. Sell household plants in a handmade piece of art. It's fun and can be profitable to create custom terracotta plant pots. Here are a couple of ideas that anyone can do: apply mosaic design to the pot, paint the pot in popular designs, and check with the local craft store regarding a designer spray paint that works on terracotta. Don't paint or put any material inside the pot.
Consider the growing and season and whether or not the purchase of a small greenhouse could maximize profits. Depending on the growing zone and what is being grown, a small greenhouse could turn the business into a year around operation.
Learning how to run a nursery business from home can be a fun, personally rewarding, and a great way to make extra money, even in a slow economy.
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